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Culture Change Management
Business Challenge:
Due to pressure from Wall Street, your company has had to change its strategy. The problem is your current culture is still aligned with the old strategy, which is at odds with your new direction. To make matters more difficult, people, by nature, are creatures of habit and don't want to change the way they have been operating for the past fifteen years. How do you determine what type of culture will support your new strategy? How do convince others of the need for change and get their buy-in? How do you institute change and hold others accountable for it?


For a strategy to be successful, the culture must be aligned with it. The Culture Change Management solution involves the assessment of the current culture and a subsequent "gap analysis" comparing the current culture against where it needs to be to support the strategy. The organization culture is then broken down at an individual-behavior level. A Communication Plan is developed to help articulate the need for culture change in a clear and motivating manner. In turn, individual behavior change necessary for culture change is communicated in terms of management expectations and consequences. Thus, motivation and accountability for culture change are achieved. This solution will yield the following benefits:

Benefits and Outcomes:

  • Performing an objective "gap analysis" to serve as a baseline for culture change
  • Aligning culture with business strategy
  • Creating a Communication Plan to communicate the necessity for change in a clear and motivating manner
  • Identifying individual behaviors necessary for culture change
  • Delineating management expectations and consequences to build in accountability for change
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