You need to fill a key executive position. A search firm has presented you with
three viable candidates. You interviewed all three, but can't decide which
candidate would be the best "fit" for the team and organization. You are
hesitant to make a decision because you know that a bad decision could cost you
as much as $750,000 (based on compensation, recruitment, selection, relocation,
and training). How do you decide which candidate to hire?
The Executive Assessment for Selection is a
behavior-based, conversational interview. The purpose of this assessment is to
identify a candidate's strengths and areas for development in the following
five areas: Problem-Solving Skills; Personality Management Skills;
Interpersonal Management and Communication Skills; Business and Work Management
Skills; and People Management and Leadership Skills. Feedback is also given to
the organization on a candidate's future growth potential, motivation, and
"fit" within an organization's unique culture. Thus, the Executive
Assessment for Selection solution can help you in
the following areas:
Deciding who to hire or promote by accurately and quickly evaluating a
candidate against pre-defined job requirements
Assessing a candidate's motivation and "fit" to increase the probability of
his/her long-term job satisfaction and decrease the probability of turnover
Determining how to deploy talent to your best advantage
Benefits and Outcomes:
Providing more accurate data for selection decisions
Expediting decision making
Determining an executive's "fit" to the job, the team, and the unique
organization culture
Identifying an executive's growth potential
Deciding who to hire/promote and how to deploy talent for the organization's
best advantage
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